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posted by: courtney mcnatty on 2/23/2022

Please pray that Vera Crawley will sign the waiver of service and by doing this God will bless her life. For if God is for us, who can be against us! Thank you and God bless
I will pray  
Urgent Prayer Request for my mother (POST HEART ATTACK)
posted by: Lokesh Venkatashiah on 2/22/2022

Please pray for my mother who recently underwent angioplasty with one major block removed by inserting a stent. She got a few blocks(3 valve disease) in her heart. Heart function reduced to 35%. Please pray for her little hope for strength, positive recovery and self healing capabilities. Currently she is recovering from the surgery,she is taking a lot of medication with side effects, high pulse rate, chronic anxiety, body in enormous stres and fear, anemia, and oral thrush due to medicine side effects, chronic fatigue, tiredness. She is not opening emotionally. Please pray to let go of the emotions that caused this condition. Also she has high blood sugar, acidity, chronic constipation, chronic fatigue, low in energy, body weakness, breathing difficulties, throat discomfort, chest discomfort, buttocks and thigh pain, limb pain, knee pain, body stiffness, shoulder pain, hunger, low/high bp imbalance and other symptoms. Her heart function is reduced and weak. Please pray for her to heal all the blocks without any additional unnecessary complications, restore and lead a normal life without further complications/future attack in the future. Please pray for her to improve heart function EF and to relax her mind which is consuming worry, thoughts, stress and body. Let her spirit guide and balance her body and mind. Let God’s love flow in our life.. Let her accept and receive peace and a coping mechanism. Please help her let go of the past and move forward with love. Please protect her and family members against the attack. Let God protect us. Please pray for her and to ease her pain and discomfort and strengthen and restore her balance. Please pray for her to quickly recover and strengthen her heart and body-mind and soul. We are always grateful and heartfelt to the healers who prayed for her and helped her. Gratitude to healers, well wishers and who came to rescue her. With Gratitude Lokesh
I will pray  
posted by: Santiago on 2/17/2022

PRAYER REQUEST FOR EMOTIONAL AND FAMILY RESTORATION, FINANCE, RELATIONSHIP, HEALTH, RELEASE DELIVERANCE PRAYER FOR AMERICA GUANUCO (WIFE) EMOTIONAL AND FAMILY RESTORATION; Break of generational curses on the life of AMERICA GUANUCO. Finding a child for adoption at birth when he was a minor FINANCE: Opening of new job and business opportunities, debt cancellation, acquired commitments. Collection of monies owed RELATIONS Withdrawal from unwelcome and bad people who are not a blessing to their lives HEALTH Restoration of the female reproductive system, glandular system, biological clock, cancer RELEASE DELIVERANCE Breaking of generational curses, ties and ties imposed on the Andes Mountains, Quebrada de Sama, Quebrada de San Lorenzo, Camino de cornisa Salta Jujuy, Yungas in Bolivia, Valles Calchaquíes Bindings that prevent them from reaching their blessing Bindings imposed by immediate family - Prayer requests Liberation Healing Family and Emotional Restoration Judicial Finance Relations Healing EMOTIONAL AND FAMILY RESTORATION; Breaking of generational curses on my life and my family's life. Relatives given up for adoption for 3 generations. Finding maternal grandmother Dora Gómez- FINANCE: Opening of new job and business opportunities, cancellation of debts, acquired commitments JUDICIALS: Resolution of procedures and real estate scam file RELATIONS: Withdrawal from inopportune and bad people who are not a blessing for my life RELEASE: Inequality. Breaking generational curses on my life and that of my family Breaking of ties, ligatures and pacts made with the enemy in his youth due to ignorance of the Word of GOD MARY and and DORA HEALTH Restoration of the male reproductive system, urinary tract Santiago Gómez Salta Argentina PRAYER REQUEST FOR EMOTIONAL AND FAMILY RESTORATION, FINANCE, RELATIONSHIP, HEALTH, RELEASE DELIVERANCE PRAYER FOR AMERICA GUANUCO (WIFE) EMOTIONAL AND FAMILY RESTORATION; Break of generational curses on the life of AMERICA GUANUCO. Finding a child for adoption at birth when he was a minor FINANCE: Opening of new job and business opportunities, debt cancellation, acquired commitments. Collection of monies owed RELATIONS Withdrawal from unwelcome and bad people who are not a blessing to their lives HEALTH Restoration of the female reproductive system, glandular system, biological clock, cancer RELEASE DELIVERANCE Breaking of generational curses, ties and ties imposed on the Andes Mountains, Quebrada de Sama, Quebrada de San Lorenzo, Camino de cornisa Salta Jujuy, Yungas in Bolivia, Valles Calchaquíes Bindings that prevent them from reaching their blessing Bindings imposed by immediate family - Prayer requests Liberation Healing Family and Emotional Restoration Judicial Finance Relations Healing EMOTIONAL AND FAMILY RESTORATION; Breaking of generational curses on my life and my family's life. Relatives given up for adoption for 3 generations. Finding maternal grandmother Dora Gómez- FINANCE: Opening of new job and business opportunities, cancellation of debts, acquired commitments JUDICIALS: Resolution of procedures and real estate scam file RELATIONS: Withdrawal from inopportune and bad people who are not a blessing for my life RELEASE: Inequality. Breaking generational curses on my life and that of my family Breaking of ties, ligatures and pacts made with the enemy in his youth due to ignorance of the Word of GOD MARY and and DORA HEALTH Restoration of the male reproductive system, urinary tract Santiago Gómez Salta Argentina
I will pray 2 people are praying.
posted by: Crystal Vines on 2/15/2022

Please pray for sleep at night and finances
I will pray 3 people are praying.
Deliverance and Protection
posted by: on 2/12/2022

Please pray for deliverance and protection for my children and me.
I will pray 3 people are praying.
God's Help with Moving
posted by: Seth on 1/29/2022

Please pray for me for God’s help with moving. I’m moving across the country to Bend, OR. Pray for deep, restful, healing sleep every night, and great energy and efficiency from early morning to late at night and that I will pack, move everything and clean with great vigor, efficiency, and God’s wisdom. Pray that I will rapidly pack the car—and pack it in a tight, compact, organized way, eliminating everything I don’t need, and travel light. Pray that I will clean the apartment so well, and everything will work perfectly, so they will not charge for anything. I’m financially very tight for this move. Pray God will miraculously minimize or eliminate all costs in this move, and richly, generously cover all expenses. Pray for a safe 4-day drive, and that God will settle me in well when I arrive, with the right employment, the right path in life, and the right place to live, as God leads with wisdom. Thanks.
I will pray 3 people are praying.
posted by: Haven Hair on 1/22/2022

Agree I hav delicerance from evil people. Agree my the people that have preyed o n me are preyed on .
I will pray 5 people are praying.
Prayer request - cleansing
posted by: Benjamin Jackson on 1/21/2022

Please pray that God would cleanse me from the vile wickedness of my past that always seems to haunt me so I may love anew in Christ and in support and holiness towards my family and fellow man and especially the Christian woman I am courting. God bless the faithful in Christ.
I will pray 3 people are praying.
To Return to Work
posted by: Seth on 1/16/2022

I am currently off work, and I’ve tested positive for Covid. Pray that as soon as I’m non-contagious, as soon as it’s right, my ministry, ICM, will bring me back and I will start working with them again. Pray I will not lose any pay or miss a paycheck. Also, pray for a complete restoration: although I’ve worked hard, there is a man who has poisoned many in leadership against me. Pray that the Lord will remove all negative words against me and exonerate me. Pray that I will do my work with excellence, with 10 times the efficiency and effectiveness of before, because I’m doing it for the Lord. Pray that I will be honored, trusted and respected in my job, and that my job and position will be secure from slander and attacks, so I can purely focus on what I’m there to do. Pray my service will be recognized and I will receive a large raise, and the Lord will expand my work. Pray that even now I will concentrate and focus on what the Lord has for me, serving Him well, doing what I should and pressing into His Presence in worship and prayer, even during this interim recovery period. Thanks.
I will pray 5 people are praying.
God's Provision
posted by: Seth on 1/10/2022

On Dec. 30 I was forced to resign from my ministry position. I’ve been sick since Jan 4 (perhaps covid). I have a covid PCR test soon, but it’s over 2 hrs there and 2 hrs back. I don’t have any money right now, for gas or bills. Please pray for the financial provision for gas there and back, money for meals, groceries and necessities, money for rent and bills and all basic needs. Please pray that God will identify friends or others who are willing and able to help me during this season, with no strings attached. Pray that they will be people God has chosen to help me during this season, so I can make it through, before I get my next job and 1st paycheck. Pray for wisdom in how to ask, and that there will be mutual love and respect and no damage to relationships, even with people who decline to help. Pray I will more deeply know the Lord in His generosity, kindness and friendship, as Jehovah Jireh. Thanks.
I will pray 3 people are praying.
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