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Return to first love
posted by: David Whitworth on 7/21/2024

Lord Jesus, by Your blood, utterly and completely consume us in Your jealous LOVE & COMPASSIONS. Set us as the seal upon Your heart. Set us as the seal upon Your Arm of Strength and Power O God. And let us tangibly feel Your burning love & tender mercies over us. Forgive our sins, our giving into the lusts of the flesh the lust of the eyes & the pride of life, because we forgive those who have sinned against us. We so love & we Praise You! Amen
I will pray  
posted by: Margaret Lawson on 7/14/2024

Dear Father God, Heavenly Father Thank You for your Grace Goodness Mercy Forgiveness LOVE and Protection.. Father God bless Willie Richie and Margaret Lawson. Father God bless us with your Amazing LOVE teach us how to LOVE your way. Father God Enlarge our Coasts and Territories. Father God bless us with more of your Holy Spirit and LOVE. Please Father God bless us with your Favor, Healing and strength. Father God, touch our HEARTS...Father God Please open up the windows of heaven and pour out blessings... we can't contain or imagine. We Pray Ask and Receive...To God Be The Glory....AMEN AMEN and AMEN!!!
I will pray  
I’m in need of prayers
posted by: Ruth Swan on 7/4/2024

I am in need of prayer at this time. Pray for me asv
I will pray 1 person is praying.
In desperate need of miracles
posted by: David Whitworth on 6/2/2024

Lord Jesus by Your blood please answer all my prayers in my books & journal. Praise You Lord Amen &Amen
I will pray 1 person is praying.
Return to first love
posted by: David on 4/1/2024

Lord Jesus, by Your blood, utterly and completely consume us in Your jealous LOVE & COMPASSIONS. Set us as the seal upon Your heart. Set us as the seal upon Your Arm of Strength and Power O God. And let us tangibly feel Your burning love & tender mercies over us. Forgive our sins, our giving into the lusts of the flesh the lust of the eyes & the pride of life, because we forgive those who have sinned against us. We so love & we Praise You! Amen
I will pray 1 person is praying.
posted by: Rus on 1/9/2024

Need prayers - A powerful foreign cult has people I love trapped in it. This controlling cult is known for punishing & shaming people (without mercy) for breaking silly made-up rules and laws. They're all so indoctrinated that they don't understand love, joy, or mercy. Oh, pray that everyone in this cult is set at liberty from all their laws, and that they learn both how to love others and to how accept love! I KNOW your genuine loving prayers WILL save these broken people!
I will pray 1 person is praying.
Hope for Others
posted by: Mabo on 12/27/2023

Need sincere prayers for some people who have lost all hope and their will to live. Before it's too late, please pray the following for them... That they learn how to love and be loved. That they find peace and happiness. And especially, that they find hope and a joyful reason to live!
I will pray 1 person is praying.
Something Fishy. Need Prayers
posted by: Sius on 12/23/2023

Help the fishermen! You may have heard the news, but millions of dead fish are suddenly washing up on beachs everywhere (just google "dead fish"!). Is this a supernatual attack on Jesus' symbol? Please pray for the fish to stop dying and also to repopulate: this is hurting people's lively hoods and killing god's poor fish!
I will pray 1 person is praying.
Job and Health
posted by: Rose Gear on 12/16/2023

I ask prayers that I get employed soon and that my health improves and I become the mother my son needs me to be. Amen.
I will pray 1 person is praying.
Stranded on Hwy. 70 West
posted by: Barbara Butler on 8/31/2023

My car has broken down. I was on my way to Nashville TN. I put my last $60 in the gas tank. Engine light came on , car started smoking and stopped functioning. Please pray for me that God will send the Saints to help me ASAP cause it’s as Satan toe nails out here.
I will pray 2 people are praying.
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